Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Innocent toots...

Munchkin was on my lap tonight, watching Lady and the Tramp...suddenly she lets out the world's longest toot...it was truly never-ending. She then says, "'Cuse me, Mom." Then she sniffs the air and says, "Pretend I'm a skunk."

What a freakin' funny kid I have! :D

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My mom will be alone on Thanksgiving.

She has been invited to her step-(notso)DD's house but doesn't want to go. She said she will tell them she is going to her sister's (not true as her sister and her family is all headed north to her own son's camp and they have not invited my mom--I'm sure they would invite her if they knew she'd be alone). So, Mom's dh can go to his dd's house and mom will "go for a nice ride" and fix something good for lunch instead. That bums me out...breaks my heart, really...that my mom will be alone on such a special holiday. I asked her if she could come out here but she says she really can't...would have to arrange assisted living for her dh and there isn't time and it's a lot of $$. We can't go there ($$$ and time issues, too). So, that's the way it's gonna be this year. :(

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

No mama should ever...

have to bury her child. I don't care how old the child was...whether stillborn or middle aged or older...no parent should have to suffer this loss.

Thinking of Doreen today on this second sad "anniversary." Thinking of my Aunt (Clint's mom) whose 48 yo son died last Wednesday and she buried him Sunday--the day before his 49th birthday. Thinking of my godmother (Eddie's mom) who lost her younger son in 2005 when he was just 53. Thinking of my SIL who lost an infant (Josh) to SIDS in 1980. And too many others...

None of this should have happened. Don't know what more to say.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Food is not my friend.

Why can't I just accept the fact that eating well and healthfully does not entail gorging myself on Halloween candy/chips, etc.? As background, I started WeightWatchers Online in mid-May of this year and have since lost about 33 lbs. Well, for the past 5 weeks or so I've either plateaued or gained weight so I'm now at just 30 lbs under my beginning weight. I had company for 2 weeks in October (my mom!) and we ate out a lot...then there were 4 birthday parties in October, 6 if you count celebrating Munchkin's birthday at home and at school as well as her bday party itself. Then we had my grad. school friends over and I had to try a taste of everything everyone brought. Then the time has changed and days have shortened which makes it hard to get out for my 5x/week walks. Then Halloween came along...it was a cold night and we only had about 1/3 the number of Trick-or-Treaters as usual. I had bought mostly healthful treats this year but there was some chocolate and I have proceeded to eat most of what was leftover. Uuuggg. Or should I say *burp* instead! Or maybe *oink* would be more appropriate.

I do feel addicted to bad foods...I don't gorge myself on apples, obviously ('though I do love apples!)...I will eat 10 Hershey Kisses but can only make myself eat one apple. For Weightwatchers 5 Hershey Kisses equal the same amount of points as 3 apples. Which would fill me up more? Three apples. Which would really taste delicious and yummy? HERSHEY KISSES, of course.

So...I will try to get back on track tomorrow. I haven't been journaling my food choices and I found that was a key factor in my weightloss success...if I see it written down it's much harder to deny that I ate it. I wish I didn't like food. I wish I hated pizza. I wish chocolate made my stomach turn. (well...if the wish fairy is reading this, I don't REALLY wish any of those things but you KWIM!!)

Plus, I'm only about 13 lbs away from my goal weight...my blood pressure has decreased, I've dropped 3 sizes, etc. The changes are great and I have to focus on this instead of just feeling deprived of junk foods. Junk foods that taste delicious but will shorten my life and cheat me out of time w/Munchkin and BikeBoy (who looks great BTW...he has lost a bunch of weight, too, and now has the physique of Lance Armstrong).

Saturday, November 04, 2006

INXS and other musical ramblings

Remember when JD Fortune won RockStar: INXS? I wonder how their tour is going. I saw them when Michael Hutchence was still alive and they were pretty cool. I like JD a lot but I just listened to some audio clips on their website and not many of the songs reached out and grabbed me, KWIM? But, I still really dig "Pretty Vegas" and would download it if it's available somewhere besides iTunes (my MP3 player doesn't do iTunes!).

If there's one thing I'm really looking forward to it's taking Munchkin to some rock or blues shows in the near future. She already loves all kinds of music (except country...good girl!). She will sit through a children's symphony concert for 45 min and she lets me pretty much play any rock in the car. I listen to myriad things on Syrius Radio in the Jeep...alternative, spectrum, hair bands, classic rewind, blues, buzz saw...she doesn't seem to dislike any of them. She really loves Aerosmith, though! Very funny! Even when she was a baby and I used to play one of their CDs to rock (pun not intended!) her to sleep. I have missed going to shows myself so it will be good to get back out there occasionally w/Munchkin in tow (wearing earplugs of course!).

OMG! I have found a pizza blog!!!

I was in heaven reading it tonight! This blog even includes PICTURES of pizzas the blogger eats. YUMMY. And he includes a link to his other website with a listing of best pizza places all around the country (to which I have already added 2 listings!!).

This after Munchkin and I tried a new pizza place today. I read reviews of it and they said it was deep dish similar to Pizzeria Uno/Due in Chicago (we used to frequent Due's when we lived there). I would definitely agree...most similar to PU that I've had outside Chicago. Chunks of tomato spread on top of cheese resting on a yummy crust. The crust wasn't exactly like PU's but the rest was bringing back memories. In fact, we ordered a small and I ate half of it there, brought two more pieces home and ate them before supper! Oooopppsss...so much for weightwatchers today. Well...heck...it was Halloween three days ago and I've been eating candy, too. Tomorrow???? Must reform. Must reform. Must reform... :)

Anyway, got me to thinking about my all-time fav pizza places and they are (in no particular order!):

~Pizzeria Due, Chicago, IL
~Ray's, The Village at 6th/11th in NYC (Over a 1/4 lb of cheese on every slice, stand at the counter and do some people-watching while you munch your slice...it's the Village...eventually the whole world will walk by)
~John's, on Bleeker in The Village, NYC
~Pine Lake Pizzeria, Sammamish, WA (the only one on this list I've never actually eaten AT...only delivery!)
~The Pizza Place, North Bend, WA (the one that is similar to PU/PD)
~Pizza Experience, Tacoma/Fife, WA
~The Pizza Joint, Portland, ME (when you get 'shrooms on your pie they are piled high like a mountain!)
~Bertucci's, Brookline Village, MA
~Dino's, Brookline Village, MA (they also have great Greek salads)
~Two-Fisted Mario's, in Denver, CO (Lodo)
~BeauJo's, Denver, CO (gotta love the extra thick edge of crust served with honey for dipping!)
~Katie Downs', Tacoma, WA (pizza is very good but the location, sitting on Commencement Bay, is even better...probably the prettiest location on this list)

And two which are, unfortunately, closed:
Al Capones in Kenmore Square, Boston, MA circa 1979
Alfieri's, Portland, ME circa 1985

And in 2003 (I think) I found out I could get two whole Ray's pizzas shipped overnight to BikeBoy (when we lived in Denver) for his birthday...in dry ice from NYC...for about $45 so I did it. Boy was it gooooooood. Of course, they stopped doing that so now we'll have to go there and get it ourselves but that's another story (not like I don't already have a gazillion reasons to go to NYC!).

If you didn't know that I was a pizza afficionado before--you do now!! Mmmmm...I'm hungry now! I think the best thing about pizza is that it is comfort food to me. There are two kinds of pizza: good pizza and great pizza. (okay...I confess...I lifted that from somewhere but I agree with it!) I've never had a bad slice. Pizza is so consistently good but varies so widely in flavor from place to place. And it's convenient...you can grab a slice on the run if you have to. What's not to like????

What are YOUR favorites?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Moms' Night Out...

My neighborhood Mom friends has a monthly get together. Each month we take turns organizing some kind of event...can be just drinks at someone's home, dinner out, whatever. I hadn't made it to one yet but November was my turn to organize so I chose to go to a tea house for tea/scones. Five of us ended up going tonight and it was really nice. The tea (black jasmine) was delicious and the raspberry scone was good. It was not as fancy as attending a "high tea" but it was 7:00 pm so that's not what we wanted anyway. It was relaxing and the conversation and company were both good! I will definitely try to go again!

My cousin, Clinton...

...died yesterday. He was 48...would have turned 49 next Monday. He had diabetes since childhood and had been on kidney dialysis for the past several years but I just saw him in August and he was doing well. They believe he died in his sleep of a heart attack yesterday afternoon while napping. He leaves 4 kids--youngest 16. I wish I had known him better but I do know he was a gentle heart, a kind man. I'm so sorry for his family, especially his kids and his mom.

I love you, Clint.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

KAAN Newsletter in today's email...

I love this newsletter...always learn something new or read something interesting. In today's letter I saw a link to a new website for Korean Adoptees and their families. I lurked a bit--feeling somewhat odd because most of the posts were by teenaged KADs and some of them were not warm/fuzzy. I felt a bit sad reading some of the posts, I guess. Hoping Munchkin doesn't feel anger at me for "taking" her out of her country of birth. For making her a part of a family which consists of only herself (at the moment!) and two caucasian parents.


More later as Munchkin is waking! :)