Monday, December 10, 2007

Narae - Korean Art Festival

Okay, I said I'd be back soon w/something funnier! Well, yesterday I took Munchkin to a Korean Art Festival at the U. One of her teachers at preschool, a Korean woman, had gotten us two tickets to this special event and--although I H-A-T-E driving into the city, especially after dark--how could I turn down the tickets, right? Right. So...we went!

It was beautiful! Lots of dancers (young girls as well as adults) in traditional colorful Korean hanboks, fan-dancers, dancers with drums, drummers, and other musicians playing a stringed instrument which I can't remember how it's spelled! It was all so mesmerizing and I always get emotional and kinda teary when I see things from Munchkin's homeland. We stayed until intermission (one full hour) then we left as Munchkin was getting antsy at that point. We drove home, went to McDonald's (healthy, I know) then it began to snow so the two of us went for a drive to see the holiday lights. It was a fun night out for both of us. And we got to chat w/our FIUTS student for a few minutes before the show--she couldn't attend w/us as she had finals today but it was still fun to see her.

Now the funny part...another a-parent aquaintance of mine was there in the lobby before the show. She had just had surgery on her foot and was hobbling around the lobby w/a knee walker (a thingy you rest your knee on and it rolls around so that you don't have to use crutches but you can keep the weight off your foot). We went over to say hi and check on her.

Munchkin says, "Are you okay?"

Friend says, "Yes, I just had an operation on my foot."

Munchkin then asks, "Are you old?"

Friend, who is probably a couple of years younger than I am and is now looking kinda startled, says, "Why, yes, I am old, but I'm using this walker because I just had an operation on my foot."

Munchkin then asks, "Are you gonna die soon?"

I then say, "Well, it was nice to see ya'...we gotta go!" I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard inside!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

One word says it all...


That would be me. Or maybe two words...overextended (and I don't mean financially...well, maybe that, too!).

Hanging on by a thread today. I'll try to come back soon with something funnier to yack about.