Is that a cool shoe or what??!! It is one of the only tap shoes which can be custom made to accomodate an orthotic! Woohoo! My tootsies will be in tap-heaven. I love the fact that the sole is so thick already--no need to have it built-up--and I think the sound will be clearer due to the weight of the shoe itself. So...BikeBoy, if you're reading this, start saving for September! ;)
Which brings me to thirdly...I'm back at tap again. I haven't been since November. Munchkin got sick, then I got sick, then the holidays were here, then I got sick again, then I had to go to Maine to help Mom, then BikeBoy was out of town...I've been back to the Tap 1/2 class with my previous instructor and it is so fun! It's easier but she pushes me to pick up the tempo a bit when we do the across-the-floor stuff so it's all good. We also spent a fair amount of time doing improv the other night. Scares the hell out of me every time! You'd think 2 or 4 measures of a song wouldn't be a big deal but just try filling it up with some cool moves/sounds. Yikes. I did okay, though, but I need to work at it more at home, I think. I might attempt Intermediate Tap again this summer after I've been back at it a while again.
And now, fourthly: How do professional singers manage to run all over the stage while belting out a tune? My respect for entertainers like Mick Jagger just went up a notch. I have been walking/jogging on the treadmill for the past few weeks...it's in an enclosed sunroom in our house. I wear my iPod and have it all lined up with an array of great rock tunes. This is the first time I've ever walked/run somewhere where I can sing aloud. Well, this was an eye opener! I can't seem to keep my breathing even enough to sing properly. It's very difficult. I'm reaching back to the days of voice lessons w/a vocal coach (sidenote: bet anyone who knows me doesn't even know I ever HAD a vocal coach and took voice lessons now did you??!! It certainly wouldn't be apparent if you hear me sing!) and I can't think of enough tips to make the sound come out steadily. It kind of ebbs and flows depending on how fast I am walking/jogging. I honestly don't know how they do it (and now I really understand why some of them lamely lip-sync instead).
And finally fifthly. We got the word on Kindergarten today. Our school district holds a lottery for all families who request full-day K. When I picked Munchkin up from Preschool today other moms had gotten their phone calls and were practically high-fiving each other in the parking lot they were so excited about getting all-day. Well, we, too had entered the lottery for all-day Kindy this Fall. I got home today, expecting to have a phone message to let us know if we got in or not. No message. I called the school district and left a message for them and about 5 minutes later they called me back. There were 59 families requesting all-day K, 42 slots were randomly filled, and 17 families went onto a waitlist. Guess what number we are? Yeah...#17. So, I now have to figure out how to arrange to work while Munchkin attends school for only 2.5 hours/day (as compared with 6 hours/day that she has been attending preschool for the past 3 yrs). I think there's a before/after-school program we can check out. I hope so, then I could still work a couple of days a week because--I know 2 hours a day won't cut it at my job. But...on a good note, I will have more time to spend w/Munchkin which, in this day and age, seems to be a rare thing. This is good! She's growing up too fast as it is.
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