Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mama's Special Words...

Munchkin has now decided that Mama says certain words that she shouldn't say. Words like "stupid" or "sucks." I never say them directed towards Munchkin or even another being but I do use them directed at situations which are out of my control or something that I'm not happy about.

Today I decided that those are now Mama's Special Words. Much like Mama and Daddy can drink soda and Munchkin cannot until she's a big girl. That some grownups drink alcohol and Munchkin cannot until she is a grownup. There are now words that Mama can say which Munchkin cannot.

I also decided that, when she is a little older, I want her to know my whole list of "Special Words." Just for the occasions when she needs them. She's small, she's Asian in a predominantly White community, she was adopted...there are lots of reasons she may get picked on later (along with all the typical things kids get picked on for!). I want her to be able to use these words judiciously when necessary! What the heck...the f-word, the s-word, the mf-word, the g-d-words, the j-f-c-words, the a-word! Let her have them all at her disposal! Yeah! That's my girl! ;)


Beth Gallagher said...

Hi Nomadicone,

Sorry I've been so silent, but am experiencing some severe sleep deprivation. Hope to call you tomorrow or Monday. Will you be home?

I now have mommy's special words and drinks too! Believe me, I need them with two!!!!!! More on that when we chat.


cath said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope that if you haven't already had the chance to visit Korea you are able to come. It is a fascinating place. All the best with motherhood!