Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The cat in the toilet story (finally)...

About an hour before Munchkin had to head out to piano lessons I started getting ready. So...we went upstairs and I set her up in front of the tv/PBS while I started getting ready to take a shower. I leave the master bath door open in case she needs me I can hear her or she can just come in.

So...I'm in there, (warning, major TMI alert but it is necessary to the story!!)...going to the bathroom (#2). Codythecat is in there, too. Well, I stand up to flush and the damned cat jumps onto the toilet seat before I can flush and shut the cover and he slips and FALLS INTO THE FREAKIN' TOILET.

Remember, I just went #2. Out splashes all kinds of dirty water all over me, all over the bathroom rug, all over BikeBoy's towel on the rack. And, of course it's all over the effing cat...who now is terrified and climbs quickly out of the toilet and runs out of the room, dragging his effing wet tail behind him.

I scream, "F***ing CAT!" (which, of course, Munchkin repeats, melodically) and give chase (well, after stripping off my now drenched in toilet water--and I don't mean the fancy name for perfume--pajamas). He runs downstairs and around and around the butcher block in the kitchen. He was like a greased pig. I finally catch him and take him upstairs where I shove him into the shower stall...trying to wedge my arm in the sliding door just enough to turn on the water and manipulate the water in his direction. He is wailing. I'm soaking him as best I can. He finally manages to sneak out, once again drenching everything in his path (but at least it's clean water this time). Munchkin is laughing hysterically. I am not. I give chase once again with a dry towel to try to dry off Codythecat. Then I got into the shower and realized how funny the whole thing really was and I broke into hysterical laughter.

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