Sunday, January 06, 2008

I am Gumdee, damnit! and thoughts on infertility and atheism, while we're at it...

Munchkin found BikeBoy's and my old Gumby doll and asked what it was. I youtubed some old episodes of "Gumby and Pokey" and she liked them (made me watch 4 of them in a row...heck, they weren't nearly as neat as my memory recalled!). She cannot remember Gumby's name, though...usually calls him Gumdee or Dumdee or Dundee! It is cracking us up! Almost as funny as "hang-gerber" for hamburger!

Now, onto infertility and atheism. Not that they are connect whatsoever except for the fact that people like to admit neither. IMHO, as someone who experienced infertility to the nth degree, it is something to be talked about, discussed even. I mean, I'm not advocating yacking on and on endlessly about it as many pregnant women will about their expanding girths (bitter? Me? Nah!) but it is not something to be ashamed of and maybe if we all talked about it a bit more openly it might help someone else, KWIM? There are options...treatment options, options to become a parent, etc. There are options...if you want to be a parent there is almost always a way.

That brings me to atheism. Why will no one admit to that either? Are they afraid of the wrath of a G/god they don't even believe exists? Are they afraid that the religious majority will somehow brand them with a virtual red "A" on their foreheads? There are lots of us out there and probably more and more every day. It's not a bad way to live...being skeptical of something of which there is absolutely (!) no certainty. I like to think that each of us has our own beliefs and that that is okay...whatever soothes our souls and comforts us in time of need (and some people need nothing and that is okay, too). I think atheism should be discussed more openly so that more atheists, agnostics, humanists, etc. would come out of the closet. Where are you, fellow disbelievers and questioners? On that note, head on over to the PBB website where Dale McGowan is now offering "webinars" that sound totally cool!


Anonymous said...

Tambo! For what it's worth, here in New York you can freely admit to being an atheist, but you'd better not tell anyone if you're a Republican (which I'm not by the way, but if I were, I'm not sure that I'd admit to it)!

On the religious belief front, these days I'm not sure what I am. I've always been an atheist (I was raised without religion), but now that I'm getting older, dealing with my own mortality and that of family/friends, and of course the whole september 11th thing (which I still haven't gotten over - I'm terrified that something will happen again), I find myself wanting to believe in something ... a higher power, an energy, I dunno. Obviously this is fear-driven, but after 46 (almost 47!) years of spiritual independence I'm just exhausted. Maybe there should be a support group for people like me ... but when you come right down to it, I could never become involved in any kind of organized religion, because to me spirituality is akin to going to the bathroom -- I may do it, and you may do it, but I certainly don't want to share the experience!! So I guess I'm on my own, in this crazy agnostic mindset I've got going on.


Nomadic One said...

Hi Q!!!

I know what you mean about wanting to believe in something...I've been an agnostic since my dad died (when I was 6; I still went through all the motions of being Catholic until I was 18, though, to please my family--some of whom still do not know that I am atheist/agnostic today). I am now more of an atheist, I guess, but I do pray. We (Munchkin and I) pray each night and I felt like we had to say it "to" someone, you know? So we pray to Mother Earth and the Great Spirit and we say "Amen" after I looked it up on and found it was not necessarily a religious ending! LOL! I also like to think there is an after-life of some sort (not to get all Shirley MacLaine-ish on ya')--where our souls go to hook up w/people who we have loved and lost and wait for those not yet there. I call it Heaven but it's my own version of it. Have you ever heard of a book called "Destiny of Souls"? My cousin's wife recommended it to me after he died (the grief counselor on the police force recommended it to her). Very interesting book...a bit new-age-y for me but I pulled from it the parts that fit with my own beliefs, I guess.

It's funny...I don't remember that you were an atheist or that you were raised w/o could I not know that after all the deep conversations we have had? I'm glad I know, now, that you're agnostic. It makes me happy when someone I love feels the same way (because sometimes I feel rather freakish about this aspect of my life since it is so unlike mainstream society).

And, re: 9/11...I don't think it's something you (or anyone, especially people like you who lived there then and still do) will "get over." It was horrifically traumatic and tragic. I think you can move past it but not ever truly lose sight of it. Hugs to you for that.

Love you,