Wednesday, February 06, 2008

All things Maine...

Being home this weekend brought lots of memories to mind. Mostly food-related but, if you know me, this should not be a surprise! :)

Italian sandwiches: so delicious! They are soft, foot-long buns filled with thinly sliced deli ham, white American cheese, pickles, black olives, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, salt/pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. I bought one to eat for lunch at Pat's Pizza on my last day there...saved half of it to eat on the plane on the way back. The only thing is--Italian sandwiches smell somewhat like B.O. I'm not sure how this happens but if you smell this scent under the armpit of a scruffy-looking guy on the subway it will disgust you...but if you are gazing at one of these sandwiches the same scent will make you drool. Not kidding.

Whoopie pies: two chocolate cake/cookie mounds glued together with creamy white filling. Usually the size of softballs or big hamburgers I tried some called Betty Reez Whoopiez (also at Pat's) and they were "wicked awesome!" The cake part was more like a chewy chocolate brownie cookie...not exactly traditional but they were so yummy I called Betty Reez tonight at home in Freeport, Maine to ask her if she will ship some here when I next have a craving (the answer was "yes"). Also not kidding. I found some recipes online and Munchkin and I will make some tomorrow (since I ate the last of the ones I bought to bring home with me already...except the one BikeBoy is saving--if I don't make more tomorrow I would probably try to eat his).

Vacationland ad campaign: I remember this advertising campaign from the late 60's or very early 70s when I was a little kid. Do you remember when states were abbreviated by a combination of upper- and lowercase letters (like: Calif., Colo., Fla., Mass., etc.)? Well Maine's abbreviation was "Me." They started this whole ad campaign to get more tourists to come here...they devised individual brochures and they would be all displayed in a rack at the AAA office in Portland. They would proclaim: "Ski Me." or "Hike Me." or "Swim Me." or "Shop Me." etc. I remember they (whoever the bigger "they" was at the time) decided that the ads were too provacative or something and the brochures were pulled, campaign stopped. I wish I had saved some of those ads as I thought they were kind of cool, at the time.

Dunkin Donuts: okay so I have been home twice in the past 7 months and didn't stop there either time but they are the best. Sorry Krispy Kreme--I love you, too, but not so much! DD's are on every street corner in New England...much like Starbuck's is on every corner here in the great PNW. I am still craving a glazed, a jelly-filled, and a chocolate glazed. My three favorites. If I hadn't had my carryon full of Whoopie Pies already I would've made one last pitstop on the way to the airport.

Ice cream: why is it that there is hardly a place here in the PNW which sells homemade ice cream? It's all over the place in Maine. Yummy, creamy, dreamy ice cream. My favorites, in no particular order are: peach, ginger, and grapenut. If I stop at a roadside shop which sells all three of these it is a true dilemma and I will usually at least get a double-dip cone!

Indian Pudding: Okay, to be p.c. I should probably change it's name to Native American Pudding. The recipe I have uses cornflakes and is so yummy (molasses is in there, too, and it cooks over a double boiler)...served warm w/vanilla ice cream on top.

That's it...just dreaming about being home!

1 comment:

Beth Gallagher said...

Okay, now I'M HUNGRY! You are truly evil.:) I do remember those ads and thought that they were a little eyebrow-wiggling. On the icecream thing, I too am forlorn when I'm in a place that doesn't adore the cold stuff as much as I do. Heck we even have homemade stuff in small containers in the supermarket here! (favorites: ginger, coffee with chocolate brownie chunks and nuts, and the ever popular mud pie) Whoopie Pies are something I have had to go cold turkey on. I love them. I adore them. I would eat them every day if they wouldn't make my butt 4 feet wide! (Sadly found out that the good ones have lard in the filling.) I have a really good recipe which I will send you, and also a good one for pumpkin ones with cinnamon filling. Ah, the food of New England! Moe's subs, fried oysters, chowder (the REAL kind, not that pathetic reddish version), maple walnut icecream, roasted corn on the cob, ...... ok, now I'm really hungry.
