Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to my sweet and special dh, BikeBoy!! He is obviously loved by his little Munchkin as she just awoke calling his name! :)

And thinking about my dad, Vince, and my FIL, "Pop," today, too...wishing they were here in the physical world with us they are missed. I will call my step-dad (who is 86!) once Munchkin is out of bed.

And to all you fathers out there, may your day be joyous and filled with love and hugs and kisses from those you love the most.

And, I can not end a post without mentioning food...Munchkin and I decided to get dh donuts for Father's Day. He used to love them and eat them every weekend but when he overhauled his diet/exercise routine a few yrs ago donuts got crossed off the list. He still loves them but never eats them. Well, I found delicious organic ones at the natural foods store and bought them...the cinnamon sugar ones are to die for...they taste the most like my Uncle Bob's homemade donuts. So here's the link: Go ahead...drool! :D

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