Monday, October 09, 2006

Why I hate kids' birthday parties...

DD, my mom, and I attended a neighbor's 4th bday party today. There were "games" involved for the first time. DD didn't really understand but they played musical chairs and a few other games including a hot potato-type game. My precious little dd was out first in both the musical chairs game and the hot potato game. Heck, it's skill, just chance. She didn't cry at all the 2nd time and the first time she cried but I don't think it's because she was first seemed a delayed reaction that she just wasn't still 'in.' Out of the 9 kids there more than half of them cried when they were 'out.' Wailing, confused, screaming cries. And then one of the dad's says, "It just gets them ready for the business world." WTF? Business world? They are four fucking years old! There is plenty of time to ready them for the (myriad) disappointments and failures in life...why do we have to start w/stupid party games when they are four? If I had wanted my dd's guests to play games I would've made sure to give some type of tiny consolation prize to the kids as they became "out" and then the winner would've gotten a bigger prize.

I don't know why this bummed me I said, dd didn't even get it and the 2nd time cared not one iota that she was out (that round the bday girl herself went out 2nd and pouted her lip out and screamed her head off--so there!). Tonight during her affirmations I added "I am a winner." Dd asked why I added it so I told her I wanted her to know that, even if she loses at a game--especially a party game that doesn't matter--she is still a good, kind, nice, smart, special, safe, loved person and that makes her a real winner in life.

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